When DC rebooted its comic universe in 2011 with the New 52 universe, the primary goal was to streamline the company’s decades of continuity and to attract new readers with a fresh starting point and a more diverse line of books, a goal lauded by many and that outraged others including myself who loved those decades of continuity and the stories within.
Fast forward to today which saw the conclusion of DC’s Convergence event which was saw by many as a placeholder event to tide readers over while DC moved its offices from New York City to Burbank. It appears not so.
The event has effectively undone the New 52 reboot, Zero hour and, the biggest of all, Crisis on Infinite Earths in one fell swoop. This means that every Earth that has ever existed in the DC universe are back including several not seen since the original Crisis.
This massive twist brings full circle previous statements by DC Entertainment co-publisher Dan Didio that Convergence’s conclusion would leave ‘Every door open’.
This means that readers will now be able to enjoy future stories from every earth and character in whatever incarnation throughout DC’s rich history, something this writer and, I believe, every comic reader should be excited about!
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