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LISTEN: The 2D Cast Episode 61

November 21st, 2014 by Andrew McCarroll Comments

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Whoaaaaaaaa Nelly. You have not lived until you have had the synopsis of the leaked Fantastic Four script read to you by Ciaran Marcantonio. Eveything else on this podcast is entirely academic.

Academic Features on this episode include:
Thought Bubble report!!
Uproar Comics interview.
Review of Big Trouble In Little China ( including a chat with creator Eric Powell).

Please follow us on the Twitters :@the2dcast @freebirdswing @misanthrobert @ciaronious

You can download the show HERE

We are always grateful to receive feedback suggestions or plugs

Andrew McCarroll never quite built on the dizzying career heights that he hit at 6 years old, when as a member of the “Ghostbusters” he would charge his neighbours to remove any unwanted spectres. Now retired from slaying spooks, he spends his time obsessing over superheroes (especially Batman) and devouring shows like Dexter, Game of Thrones and Archer in a manner that would make Galactus proud. You can follow his rants on twitter @andymc1983