Marvel Comics has sent its latest teaser to news sites With the tagline “You Thought You Knew The Whole Story…” accompanying the above image.
Marvel recently announced that they would return to the “Marvel NOW!” branding which was first used in 2012 in the aftermath of its Avengers vs X-men event to signify its change in status quo and renumbering of titles across the board. It could be assumed this would be the same case here for after the culmination of Civil War ll which had its first issue ship this week.
With the July 13th edition of the Previews catalogue, readers will get a first look at the new line complete with creative teams in the “Marvel NOW!” insert, much like last year’s “Marvel Previews” supplement that revealed the post “Secret Wars” “All-New, All-Different Marvel” titles.
Axel Alonso, Marvel Editor-in-chief gave this statement: “Marvel NOW! is about the future of the Marvel Universe. We’re excited to provide fans with a snapshot of things to come right before San Diego Comic-Con. Fans can look forward to hearing about brand new titles, returning favorites and even some shocking status quo shifts that are sure to keep fans guessing all the way through ‘Civil War II.'”
Could Marvel be shaping up to reveal and retcon something about last year’s Secret Wars event which saw the creation of the new Marvel Universe? What do you guys think? Is this a knee jerk reaction to the positive response DC Rebirth has received or has it been planned by Marvel all along?
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