WHAT’S the point of going to see a film these days when you can just see it all in the trailer? Does anyone remember when trailers would just give you enough of a glimpse of a film to tease you and get you in the mood to watch it?
Nowadays a big blockbuster has to have at least two to three trailers each lasting, coincidentally, two to three minutes. During this time there’s a fair chance that the film’s major action sequences will be shown everywhere months before the film is anywhere near a cinema. The trailer for Star Trek Into Darkness is a case in point. Did we really need to see the Enterprise crashing into the sea?
Now when that scene plays in the film we will have no element of surprise and that’s not to mention we’ve already seen the Enterprise emerging from the sea in another trailer. I wonder will those two events be linked at all?
Avengers Assemble was another film to fall into the trap. By the time the film rolled into cinemas I had watched all the key scenes in the end battle because it had been shown everywhere for months on end.
The scene with Hulk catching Iron Man in mid air should have been a jaw dropping experience on a par with the Star Destroyer at the start of A New Hope instead we’d seen it hundreds of times already.
Two trailers from films from my youth, yes, they had trailers even back then, sum up to me exactly how a trailer should be done. Superman: The Movie and Jurassic Park. In Richard Donner’s film the camera was zooming through the clouds at break neck speed when the Superman logo appeared on the screen followed by the famous slogan:”You’ll believe a man can fly.”Simple but brilliant. Spielberg’s Jurassic Park was teased with a scene of scientists in a lab, zooming in on an insect in amber, the famous logo appeared on screen and we heard a T-Rex roar in the background. Spielberg. Dinosaurs. What more could you possibly need?
Now just don’t get me started on previews showing the first 10 minutes of the film.
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