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Guardians of the Galaxy’s Star-Lord gets an ongoing comic series

April 28th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher 1 Comment


Marvel Comics (via MTV) have revealed that the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord, will be getting his very own comic series.


Legendary Star-Lord will be written by Uncanny X-Force scribe Sam Humphries with art by Deadpool‘s Paco Medina. While Quill will continue to appear in the Brian Michael Bendis’ Guardians of the Galaxy comic, a massive status quo change at the end of the current arc involving Peter’s father will propel the character into his own book for the first time.

Humphries explains:

“The situation with Peter and J’son is about to come to a head in the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ book. Brian is taking Peter right up to the ledge, with a really interesting and compelling character decision for him. What happens to Peter and his father reverberates in his solo book.”

With a Rocket Raccoon series already announced for July, fans might be wondering why Star-Lord:

“He’s a charming motherf–ker! He’s a down-to-Earth individual. Everyone has a friend like Peter Quill. He’s cocky, he’s arrogant, but he’s always got your back. Peter sees himself as a legend because he can fly fast, and shoot fast, and flirt fast, but what really makes someone a legend are things buried in yourself that you didn’t know you had.”

The other members of the Guardians will appear in the book, as well as a new supporting cast, including Kitty Pryde. You may remember In a previous arc of the Guardians, Quill and Pryde ended up meeting, sharing a brief kiss, and promising to stay in touch.

Legendary indeed!

Humphries says laughing:

“You can’t get that more long distance than the Earth to the edge of the galaxy. They have this two-way holographic phone, and get to know each other across the stars, and see where this leads them. There’s this heat on both sides, but we’re going to see how their personalities actually mesh.”

The witer compares his take on the book, to that of a western or heist story:

“outer reaches of the universe from a ground-level perspective. It’s about con jobs, chasing the gold, and settling old scores.”

Legendary Star-Lord #1 will hit comic store shelves in July, just in time for Marvel Studios’ Guardians of The Galaxy on August 1st.

Source: MTV

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.