Yesterday for The Times Magazine, Rhys Blakely wrote a story about his trip to the Bad Robot offices to interview Abrams about S. He caught my interest very early in the story with this tease:
“The British actor Chiwetel Ejiofor, front-runner in this year’s Oscar race, is sitting in the lobby of J. J. Abrams’ office. If you’re a sci-fi fan, this might be very big news indeed.”
That made its way around the internet, but I didn’t feel it really a story until we got more, and now we do. ( I did post it on facebook though)
The rest of the article is subscription based, meaning we can’t read Abrams’ response to Blakely about the actor. Or can we? Bleeding Cool has gotten a hold of it.
According to them, when the journalist comes out and asks Abrams if Ejiofor going to be in Star Wars he said the following:
He looks at me, dead-eyed. “I can’t discuss casting,” he says. “But he’s a very talented gentleman.”
Not a confirmation, but not a denial, andEjiofor is so hot right now coming off 12 Years a Slave, could there be another Bad Robot project (currently casting) he might be there to discuss? Maybe Mission Impossible 5? Star Trek 3?
Then there’s the video below.
The folks at Flicks and the City caught up with Ejifor at the premiere of 12 Years a Slave. They talk to him about his other recent films before asking how he would respond if Abrams came knocking for one of the Star Wars movies, what would his reaction be?
“Well, we’ll see if it happens, you know I’m not gonna tell you,” Ejiiofor replied laughing it off.
Never tell me the odds, but I think there’s a fair chance we see him in a galaxy far, far away.
Watch the video below and let us know what you think. (Jump to 2:20 for Star Wars)
Source: Bleeding Cool & Flicks and the City
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