Joss Whedon To Leave Marvel Movies After Age of Ultron?

January 26th, 2015 by Todd Black Comments



Fans literally leapt for joy when it was revealed that Joss Whedon would direct Avengers. They trusted him to deliver the fan experience that they were all expecting. Whedon directing the sequel, Age of Ultron, honestly wasn’t too much of a surprise. Especially when news broke that Whedon all but told Marvel that Ultron needed to be the second villain.

Now though, word is breaking that Whedon may be done with Marvel movies for a while after Age of Ultron.

“I couldn’t imagine doing this again. It’s enormously hard, and it be, by then, a good five years since I created anything that was completely my own. So it’s very doubtful that I would take on the two-part Infinity War movie that would eat up the next four years of my life. I obviously still want to be a part of the Marvel Universe – I love these guys – but it ain’t easy. This year has been more like running three shows than any year of my life. It is bonkers.”

Interesting, and slightly heartbreaking in a way. Whedon has done good work with Marvel, it’ll be sad to see him go if he truly does leave. What do you think about this? Who should direct the next Avengers movie if Whedon leaves? Leave us your thoughts!

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!