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LISTEN: Comic City Cast Episode 14

February 29th, 2016 by Andrew McCarroll Comments


Comic City Cast Episode 14

Welcome to Episode 14 of The Comic City Cast – Ireland’s 3rd best Comics related podcast!!!!! In this episode we turn our focus towards a veritable cornucopia of unusual topics. We talk about the Irish political scene and how government fiscal policy can affect someone’s pull list. We also talk about the current state of the WWE and how their r refusal to learn from the mistakes of the past may ultimately doom them. We look back at the (R rated) Brilliance of Deadpool and look forward to the (PG rated) brilliance of Batman/Superman Dawn of Justice.

You can listen and download HERE

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@freebirdswing (Flanagan)
@ciaronious ( Marcantonio)
@misanthrobert (Bobby)

Andrew McCarroll never quite built on the dizzying career heights that he hit at 6 years old, when as a member of the “Ghostbusters” he would charge his neighbours to remove any unwanted spectres. Now retired from slaying spooks, he spends his time obsessing over superheroes (especially Batman) and devouring shows like Dexter, Game of Thrones and Archer in a manner that would make Galactus proud. You can follow his rants on twitter @andymc1983