Via Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Daily Bugle site on Tumblr, it’s been revealed that Spidey has tangled with a not so ordinary bank robber who had “created wrist-gauntlets that are capable of emitting a vibratory wave of pressure”. Plus we also got a teaser of a Sin-Eater appearance.
The article, penned by Ned Leeds (himself a double for The Hobgoblin), reads as follows:
December 28, 2013
By Ned Leeds, City Bureau
A shocking Midtown bank robbery was foiled yesterday by Spider-Man. New York’s superhuman vigilante caught the mechanically augmented robber, suspected in two previous bank heists, as he fled the scene with the stolen loot.
Police arrived on the scene as Spider-Man finished webbing up the suspect, who was arrested and later identified as disgruntled engineer, Herman Schultz. Schultz created wrist-gauntlets that are capable of emitting a vibratory wave of pressure that proved capable of tearing apart a four-foot thick steel vault.
NYPD Special Crimes Unit Detective Stan Carter stated that Schultz had officially been remanded into custody and is being held at the Ravencroft Institute pending his preliminary hearing. When asked how a “disgruntled engineer” could create such dangerous weapons, Carter said, “Shocking, right? All that genius but no escape plan.”
Now for me this is simply amazing, because I am a huge fan of “Shocker”(insert lame Dane Cook joke). I think he is a dynamic and terrific character in the Spider-Man universe so I really hope he gets some actual screen time. Not only do we get “Shocker” but we get a Easter egg type tease with “Stan Carter” being thrown in the mix as well. For those of you who do not know who Stan Carter is he was an NYPD officer who took up the role of the violent vigilante Sin-Eater after the death of his partner. He famously had the the duo of Spider-Man and Daredevil try to catch him.
Sin-Eater also has ties to Venom. The public revelation of the identity of the Sin-Eater as Stanley Carter by Peter Parker was responsible for the ruin of Eddie Brock’s journalistic career, as Brock had published a series of articles on the Sin-Eater in The Daily Globe, based on his interviews with another man who claimed to be the Sin-Eater, Mr. Emil Gregg (“a compulsive confessor”). This led to Brock’s hatred of Peter and eventually to his joining with the alien symbiote Venom.
So with this latest viral news story the anticipation for The Amazing Spider-man 2 to come out keeps growing and I can’t wait. What do you guys and gals think about the news that Shocker is all but confirmed? Are you happy about the addition of another Sinister Six member in the fold or do you feel they are doing too much for one movie with all of these characters?
Let us know what you think.
As always stay Nerdy my friends.
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