There’s always been a bit of a stigma around addiction, and it’s one that is still to this day leading to many deaths that could have been avoided, whether that be drug-related, gambling or alcohol.
We often can be guilty of thinking, “yes, I like a drink but I can stop”, or “yes, I smoke cannabis, but it’s to deal with stress” without actually realising the harm it’s doing to us and how much we are reliant and dependent on them. And that’s addiction.
It’s only when we begin to hear the stories of others and the struggles they are having that we can relate, often when it’s too late. Cannabis withdrawal is hard to get out of, for example, just as alcohol is, and it can often be the stories of others that can be the inspiration needed.
There are dozens of Ted Talks related to addiction, many of which have been extremely helpful to others. So, if you think you may be suffering from addiction, then here are three talks you simply must watch…
Tony Hoffman’s ‘The Stigma of Addiction’
We’ve already mentioned stigma is often the biggest barrier when it comes to seeking help and Tony Hoffman’s Ted Talk covers his life with addiction and how society needs to get over this stigma. It explains why the stigma needs to dissolve and the impact stigma can have on people’s lives who are suffering from addiction. After all, it can be deadly
Johann Hari’s ‘Everything You Know About Addiction is Wrong’
This is a Ted Talk about one man’s battle with addiction that led him to travel the world to try and find what the root of the problem is, what causes addiction and what solutions there may be. It’s a very inspirational talk as it puts out some rather innovative ideas on what can be done to help solve addiction, from his research and experience.
Brene Brown’s ‘Listening to Shame’
It’s shame which is the biggest stigma when it comes to addiction, and the fact of the matter is that many people suffering from addiction bury that shame and put it to the back of their minds.
Brene Brown’s talk encourages people to listen to that shame and discusses her relationship with shame, as well as further research she’s done on the subject. If you are struggling with addiction, and shame is the one thing holding you back, watching this could be the best thing you ever do.
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