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WATCH: Square Enix E3 2019 Press Conference Wrap-Up

June 11th, 2019 by Crowbar Comments

Square Enix was arguably the most anticipated for us here. We finally got to see the mysterious Avengers title from the developers of Tomb Raider. And I have to say, the payoff…was not quite as expected. But more on that in a second.

Final Fantasy VII Remake: As many of you may know, Enix has confirmed that the Final Fantasy VII Remake will ship March 3, 2020 as a two-part game. This will be part one. Pricing is still a mystery. The trailer showed new gameplay and fan favorite Tifa getting some love. The remake will feature an altered story from the original with a real-time combat system derived from Final Fantasy 15. However, you can play as ANYONE, not just Cloud. Which will be interesting since every character has their own gimmick about how they fight. For instance, Cloud has an ATB gauge similar to the original. However, it fills faster when he attacks, when it fills he can slow down time and plan out attacks to be executed in fast succession.


Outriders: A brand new IP from Enix and People Can Fly (Gears of War: Judgement) it is a sci-fi 1-3 Player Co-Op shooter. No release date was given, but additional information will be revealed winter this year. Below is the trailer.


Marvel’s Avengers: Ok now I will get to the big reveal. We finally got a story trailer showcasing the Crystal Dynamics/Eidos Montreal game based on our beloved Marvel superteam. Fresh off the Endgame hype this is timed pretty well since in this game Captain America dies after a mysterious attack during the reveal of the new Avengers tower. The game takes place five years after the attack. We didn’t get straightforward gameplay reveal but the trailer alluded to every Avenger being playable. The biggest surprise that I found was that this is a service game (Anthem, Division 2, Warframe). There will be RPG elements, NO LOOTBOXES, and new characters/maps will be 100% free. The Avengers Assemble on May 15, 2020. Check out the trailer.


Square Enix had a lot to show this year. All of us were more interested in the Avengers reveal than anything. The visuals of the game are questionable and the choice to make it a service game have me puzzled on how that will work out. It also makes me wonder if this game will be tied to the Spider-Man game for the PS4, part of the “Gamerverse”. Since that game is titled, “Marvel’s Spider-Man” I don’t see why not. Speculation is what we do best and hopefully, Enix gives us juicy details as the release date gets closer. Outside of that, Kingdom Hearts 3 is getting DLC that will hopefully explain some major plot holes in the abysmal excuse for the main title. Final Fantasy VIII is getting remastered and released on PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles remastered will be out this winter for mobile phones, PS4 and Switch.


Crowbar is an angry young man, but he knows his games. We all have our passions and his come alive when his digital self is hammering baddies, solving puzzles or flying. He also has a penchant for dressing like giant penguins, but we promised him we wouldn't mention it.