Two teasers have been released for upcoming Showtime horror series, Penny Dreadful. The series, Showtime’s answer to American Horror Story on FX is currently shooting in Ireland and is being created by three-time oscar nominee screenwriter John Logan (Gladiator, Hugo, Skyfall). It’s stars include Josh Hartnett (Black Hawk Down), Eva Green (Casino Royale) Timothy Dalton (The Living Daylights, License to Kill), Rory Kinnear (Skyfall) and Billie Piper (Doctor Who).
Penny Dreadful will feature some of literature’s most infamous horror characters such as Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray and supporting characters from Dracula as they become involved in conflicts in Victorian London. Described as a ‘frightening psychosexual thriller’ it will also be produced by Logan along with Oscar winning director Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Skyfall).
It’s first season will have an 8 episode run but a premiere date has yet to be announced, except for spring 2014.
We’ll keep you updated.
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