With Karl Urban constantly saying he is confident a Dredd sequel will happen it’s easy to get excited for it. But now writer ALex Garland has spoken out about how likely it REALLY is that a sequel will happen.
The writer, on promotion for his upcoming movie Ex_Machina, said: “The stuff surrounding Dredd is all to do with realpolitik and the hard realities of filmmaking, and it’s very difficult making a case for Dredd in reality because the first film didn’t work, right? And then the second film didn’t work, but didn’t work in, I would say, in different ways than the first film didn’t work [laughs]. But it manifestly didn’t work as a theatrical release, particularly in America, or in fact anywhere outside of the UK. And that makes it a hard argument.”
The counter argument, and the one that all the fans are holding on to, is that the movie garnered positive reviews and, despite the terrible campaign that made it impossible to succeed in cinemas, it found its audience on home release and has become a hit in that market: “DVD sales are all very well but you are still talking to people about them handing over a lot of money for a film that’s happened twice and has not worked in their terms either time.”
That said, Garland does seem to be being realistic rather than pessimistic about it all and does offer a glimmer of hope: “What I suspect about Dredd, which is obviously no more meaningful than what the next guy thinks about Dredd, is that the character has too many positives to be abandoned forever but it’s going to be someone else at some future point who restarts it, who has another crack. So, in other words, what our relationship was with the previous film, someone else will have a relationship with our film, it will be a different group of people at a different point in time, that’s what I suspect will happen.”
So, if we do see Dredd in the future it’ll probably be in someone else’s capable hands, say Garland. What say you all?
Source: ScifiNow
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