Well, this is very interesting, isn’t it?
New images from Avengers: Infinity War seem to have revealed that we will be travelling back to the first Avengers movie events.
Remember the end of the first Avengers (2012) when Thor took a captured Loki back to Asgard along with the Tesseract? Well, it seems that that may occur once again in the new two part Avengers outing.
(Check the scene out below to refresh your memory)
The new images (below) reveal Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Stark (Robert Downey Jnr) wearing their outfits from the original movie – armour and a Black Sabbath tee respectively – along with what seems to be a stand-in for Tom Hiddleston wearing the Hannibal Lecter-esque mask
Interestingly, Stark wasn’t wearing that teeshirt in that particular scene so it seems that we may see more than one event replayed.
Show what’s the deal? Well, it could be a flashback to something we didn’t see originally. It could be something to do with the time-stone… does Dr Strange turn back time to change events? Let us hear your thoughts…
Check out some of the images below and click here for the full gallery
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