Sooooo…. Deadline are reporting that in a time when female empowerment is finally coming to the forefront, we are on the cusp of a new movement of female-led superhero and genre movies.
In there, of course, they talk about how Ghostbusters showed that there’s still an issue with women in these movies, Wonder Woman was a massive boost to the fans.
And we have to call it on this.
Ghostbusters did fail. Miserably. Was it because of women? No. Are there sexists out there? Of course. But the reason GB failed was two-fold. Firstly, it’s because the whole fandom felt betrayed by the fact that the movie was a reboot and, secondly, it failed because, well, it’s just not very good.
But, the studio like to scream that sexists were the demon that killed the movie. But this just ain’t so.
Just as with the new series of Doctor who – the bulk of the complaints we hear is because the writing is pretty damned terrible, NOT because… whamen!
It reminds of when Sony put the blame on racism for the failure of Fantastic Four because they said fans hated Michael B Jordan as Johnny Blaze… and yet, B Jordan was the star of Creed and Black Panther, both of which are massive.
Again, do sexists and racists exist? Of course… but they aren’t calling the shots here. Why? Because the real fans, fans like me and you, won’t let them.
So every time someone tells you Ghostbusters 2016 failed because of nerdy sexists, feel free to inform them that Sarah Conor, Ellen Ripley, Buffy Summers, Lara Croft and the legions of awesome female heroes said ‘hi’.
Oh, and Deadline also reported that: “There’s also been talk of films for Supergirl, Zatanna and Batgirl, while male-hero movies like the long-promised Flash solo film or a new Superman installment have seemingly lost momentum.”
So, there you go… DC/Warners know Zatanna exists and have talked about a movie.
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