Well, this could be interesting if it turns out to be true… Den Of Geek are reporting that Marvel and FOX have come to a deal over the rights to Fantastic Four and the team may be coming home to the MCU.
We all know the Fantastic Four reboot that FOX put out this summer was pretty poor and the box office on it was a nightmare, so it’s not entirely unbelievable that this will happen. In fact, it may actually be the best idea for Marvel’s ex-first family.
We know that yesterday FOX and Marvel came to a deal allowing FOX to make not one but two X-Men TV series (here), so we’re wondering if Fantastic Four was in the deal somewhere too; the timing does feel right if it is the case.
“According to our source, Fox were given the TV rights for X-Men in exchange for Fantastic Four. The deal’s been in the works for some time , we’re told, and further, the timing of Marvel’s recent announcement of its movie slate leading up to the year 2020 and the X-Men TV series is no coincidence.
“You may remember that there are three, so-far untitled films on Marvel’s schedule in five years’ time. We’re told that one of those films is a Fantastic Four movie.
“We don’t have an independent source to back this claim up, so we’ll have to treat it with a certain amount of caution for now. But given the reception Fantastic Four received earlier this summer, it makes sense that Fox would be receptive to the idea of a deal with Marvel, particularly if it meant wresting something as major and lucrative as the X-Men TV rights from Marvel’s grasp.”
It looks like the deal was on the cards and the movie is now planned for 2020… remember the un-named movies on the recent schedule? Yeah, well it looks like Fantastic Four is on that slate.
So will we see Fantastic Four on on May 1st, 2020, July 10th, 2020 or November 6th, 2020? Time will tell…
Now all we have to wait and see is if the comics will come back too.
It looks like this may all be wishful thinking guys 🙂
Den of Geek have updated their story thus:
we’ve been contacted by 20th Century Fox. It states that our source’s suggestion that Fox had reached some kind of deal with Marvel is “completely untrue.”
A denial has also come from Marvel.
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