Oh, yes, please!
I know, I know… a lot of people didn’t like Jared Leto’s Joker in Suicide Squad well, I don’t care because I really DID like his Joker and would love to have seem more of him.
And, given that we know his Joker will be in Birds of Prey (although likely not played by Leto as we’re guessing it’s a brief flashback appearance) I definitely believe we will see him again.
Now the actor, talking to Variety and iHeart (below) has revealed that he would absolute love to come back for the gig: “I would definitely play the Joker again.
“It all depends on the script and the circumstances as it always does.”
Asked if his Joker and Harley appear in Birds of Prey, he teases: “I don’t think so. You’d have to ask them,” before adding, “Well, we’ll see…”
Honestly, I think Warners/DC have plans for Leto’s Joker in the future and with Birds of Prey, the Suicide Squad sequel and Batman all in varying stages of production, I’d bet we’ll see him pretty soon
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