So, here’s the deal, while Batman V Superman was disappointing on many fronts, everytime we hear more about Justice League and beyond, we can’t help but feel excited.
Speaking to The Daily Mail, Jeremy Irons AKA alfred Pennyworth in the movie, has been talking about the movie and why he felt it fell short as well as his involvement in the DC Cinematic Universe in General.
The actor doesn’t hold back when talking about the movie and how it performed ok but was not well received well by critics: “Deservedly so. I mean it took £800 million, so the kicking didn’t matter but it was sort of overstuffed. It was very muddled. I think the next one will be simpler. The script is certainly a lot smaller, it’s more linear.”
We wonder if by ‘the next one’ does ne mean Justice League? Or, perhaps The Batman?
“I’m tied into The Batman at the minute, which is nice because it’s a bit of income… Not that I need a bit of income but it’s nice to keep ticking over.”
So Irons has confirmed he will be back for The Batman and, always the modest man, he seems to hint that although he no longer needs the income, he enjoys the art.
As for Alfed, I have always liked the idea that Thomas and Martha Wayne would hire a man who was not to be messed with to look after their son, should the need ever arise (yes, we like Afred in Gotham too, ok?) and Irons understood that that is who alfred Pennyworth needs to be.
“I had dinner a few times with Paul Getty, who was a neighbour of mine in Oxfordshire.,” Irons says.
“You’d arrive for dinner and there’d be a very nice man to open the gate, a very nice man to park your car, another very nice man to take your coat and another very nice man to give you some champagne. They were all ex-SAS. So the whole place was surrounded by this level of threat, and I thought, “Yeah, that’s Alfred.”
“If I was Mr and Mrs Wayne and I had a young son I thought could be kidnapped, killed or whatever because of his wealth, I’d make sure his guardian – his tutor, his mate – was somebody pretty capable.”
Well Jeremy you shot straight into our hearts as the best on screen Alfred yet and we can’t wait to see you back as Batman’s friend and ally in future movies.
What about you guys? Did Irons cut it as alfred for you? Let us know…
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