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LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcasts (01/07/2013)

July 2nd, 2013 by Andrew Comments

Running a bit behind this week, sorry folks, but this doesn’t lessen just how awesome the Monday Movie Show is…

First up, Blu-ray & DVD:
Stuart and Andy go over the blu-ray/dvd top ten and review OZ The Great and Powerful, Cloud Atlas, Maniac, The Guilt Trip, Stoker and the Number Station.

Next up, cinema releases:
On this week’s extremely packed show we go over some movie news and take a look at the UK box office top ten. Up for review is Despicable Me 2, This is the End, Hummingbird, Stand Up Guys and The East.

Co-host of the Monday Movie Show, Andrew is a huge movie fan who is into all sorts of things movie related, as well as a fan of all things nerd. In his spare time he likes to work at script writing, that is when he's not spending it on something movie or nerd related!