Ongoing Dwayne Johnson/Vin Diesel spat over The Fate of The Furious?

April 6th, 2017 by Dave Bowling Comments

Seems like this poster might not be artistic licence after all…

The eighth Fast & Furious movie came out this week, and it seems that not everything is going as well as Tinseltown would have you think. After a falling out on set last August, it appears that Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson might still have the knives out for each other.

For the uninitiated, Diesel’s timekeeping was somewhat lacking during a marathon 100-day shoot in Atlanta, and turning up late to film his last scene with the former Rock led Johnson to vent his spleen online. In fact, Johnson posted this on Facebook:

My female co-stars are always amazing, and I love ’em. My male co-stars however are a different story

Before adding that some of said male co-stars are “chicken shit” and “candy asses.” After a furious argument in Johnson’s trailer it was publicly revealed that Diesel was said hen manure and Universal was left with a world of damage limitation to do. Despite apparently burying the hatchet, the two men have not been seen at the same press junket since the movie’s trailer was released last year. This has most publicly manifested itself at the Las Vegas CinemaCon in the past week: Diesel appeared with the rest of the cast to plug the movie, while Johnson did spots for Baywatch and the Jumanji remake before heading back to Miami and TV show Ballers.

This continued argy-bargy puts Universal in a difficult position. While Johnson is arguably the bigger box office draw in recent years, the only two Fast & Furious films Diesel didn’t have a starring role in have been panned by both critics and fans. It’s doubtful the studio could realistically drop either, but with at least two more movies in the franchise planned, it’s difficult to see, short of a very humble and heartfelt apology from both men, how Universal is going to juggle this one.

Now if you’ll excuse me, all this celeb gossip has left me with a bad taste. Anyone seen my Scotch?

The Fate of The Furious is on general release from 12 April.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

Dave was born at an early age to parents of both sexes. He has been a self-confessed geek for as long as he can remember, having been raised through the 80s on a steady diet of Doctor Who, Star Trek, Red Dwarf and (sigh) Knight Rider. Throw the usual assortment of Saturday morning cartoons into the mix and we have something quite exceptional: someone with an encyclopaedic knowledge of utter tosh; a love of giant robots and spaceships fighting; and the strange desire to leap tall buildings in a single bound while wearing his underpants over his trousers. The death ray is currently in the works and one day you shall all bow to him, his giant space station and fleet of funky orange space shuttles...