There is no doubt that one of the most anticipated films of this year will be Star Wars Episode 8. Much like its two predecessors of The Force Awakens and Rogue One, we know very little about the next film in the Star Wars saga. However, some rumours of the story have managed to find their way out of this secretive blockade.
The rumours all focus on Rey and her time with Luke on the island of Ahch-To.
A new report explains how Luke’s exile to the island isn’t exactly a lonely one. He shares it with creatures called Puffins. These creatures apparently are described as “sort of like a bird mixed with a gremlin”, with razor sharp teeth and a height of only 15 inches these certainly do not sound like the friendliest of creatures.
Their relationship with Luke isn’t explained but for whatever reason they have accepted him on the island. However, they don’t seem to like Rey.
The report also mentions a battle between Rey and a sea monster but the outcome of this, or its link to the island, is not yet known.
If any of these rumours are true is seems that life for Rey will be getting far more interesting to say the least. However, some aspects of it seem a bit sketchy at best. For example, Rey had to climb what looks like a small mountain to reach Luke so where were these Puffins?
These rumours are just that rumours and with such a secrecy block its highly likely these could false.
Looks like we’ll only find out when the film is released.
Star Wars Episode 8 will be released on 15th December 2017
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