A few weeks ago we were practically dancing with joy over the (strong) rumour that 21 Jump Street and The LEGO Movie directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller were close to signing on for Ghostbusters III. They just felt… right. And after the death of Harold Ramis a few weeks before that, it felt like just the good news the fandom needed.
Now it seems the news isn’t so good as The Wrap‘s Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) has tweeted: “Hearing LORD & MILLER ended up walking away from GHOSTBUSTERS 3 job. They were the studio’s choice but wanted to keep their options open…”
It’s understandable because, for the fan community Ghostbusters is right up there with the biggest and most loved franchises, so there’s a hell of a lot of pressure. That said, I can’t think of a better choice to make it, they’re a team who appeal to kids and adults and that’s exactly what Ghostbusters III needs… just for the record, they passed on The LEGO Movie originally, so maybe this is just their thing.
“Something good, for goodness sake, whaoooooooooooooo!”
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