There’s no point in lying, as much as we loved Days of Future Past and we did, we loved it very much, it was Evan Peters’ Quicksilver that really made up love it – his scene in the kitchen remains one of the best single movie scenes in ages.
So the news that he’s returning is very, very welcome indeed.
Darkhorizons are reporting that second unit director Brian Smrz is saying his return is already being planned out: “They want me to start pretty soon, on the storyboarding and stuff. I’ll be working on the next X-Men for the next month or so part-time, and by the end of the year it’ll be full-time… There will be another Quicksilver scene, which I’m looking forward to. That’ll be fun.”
He also hints that we’re not the only ones who liked him and the studio are toying with more in the future: “We talked about Quicksilver before. I’d love to do a Quicksilver as a solo film because there’s a lot to enjoy with that character.”
X-Men: Apocalypse starts filming in April, 2015.
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