This rumour is so persistent that we can’t help but think it’s the real deal.
The first Star Wars Anthology movie is already confirmed as being Rogue One but the second one? Well, it’s still going around that it will be a Han Solo V Boba Fett affair.
The guys over at Schmoes Know say that a source has confirmed what we have all been reporting all along: “The conflict between Fett and Solo that was only hinted at in the original trilogy (and seen countless times in the Expanded Universe) will finally be onscreen… Additionally, it’s been mentioned that characters such as Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and Bossk will make appearances throughout the film…. Also, according to the source, Disney really wants to delve into the “hive of scum and villainy” that Star Wars has been known for. As Rouge One definitely seems to be playing off of the influences of War films (the Zero Dark Thirty/Saving Private Ryan of the Star Wars Universe) this Anthology film will explore the influence of Westerns and bounty hunter films.”
Interestingly, with Josh Trank now gone, they are also reporting that John Faverau and Matthew Vaughn are in the line for the director’s chair. Both directors have been attached to Star Wars in recent years, so there could be something there too. Oh and they also claim the third anthology will tell the origins of Yoda. If true, it’s very clear that they are going for very different feels and approaches for each movie, which is cool.
Personally, I’d like to see the history between Fett and Solo but the origins of Yoda? I hope this is just hearsay because, for now at least, this doesn’t get me excited.
But… difficult to see, the future is.
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