While we are all really stoked for the new Star Trek series, it looks like it has hit a small stumbling block.
Speaking at the Deutsche Bank Media Internet & Telecom Conference this morning, CBS boss Les Moonves said the series will have to wait six months after the release of Star Trek Beyond before airing: “When [CBS] split from Viacom ten years ago, January 1, 2006, one of the big sticking points, as you can imagine, was Star Trek. You know, we both wanted it … Our deal with them is that we had to wait six months after their film is launched so there wouldn’t be a confusion in the marketplace.”
It’s odd that they’re worried about ‘confusion’ in a world where movie and TV shows share various multiverses and worlds, but given that it was drawn up ten years ago, we sort of understand.
With Beyond set for release on July 22nd, that means that we won’t see Bryan Fuller’s series until 2017, missing the original series’ 50th anniversary in 2016.
We’ll follow this story as it develops.
In related news, Oscar-nominated and Emmy winning actress Shohreh Aghdashloo (House Of Sand And Fog, House Of Saddam) has joined the cast of Star Trek: Beyond.
The movie is going through reshoots at the minute and Deadline are reporting Aghdashloo is playing the role of the High Command of the Federation.
Despite the reshoots, the movie is still set to be released in July.
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