Man… Disney really screwed Star Wars up, didn’t they?
I mean, even of you do like the new movies (we don’t judge), it can’t be argued that there was a lot of heart missing and the story was a mess from the second Rian Johnson decided to go off the script, literally.
But for me, the biggest problem with the final movie, The Rise of Skywalker, was that as pretty as it looked, it was a big, empty, heartless shell.
Now Youtuber Jon H has taken the final confrontation between Rey and Palpatine from the last movie and has given it something that was utterly absent… heart.
In the scene, Palpatine tells Rey he is all the Sith and Rey replies that she is all the Jedi while in the background we hear the voices of several Jedi from across the whole franchise and at one stage we had been led to believe that several stars – Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson and others – had returned to film cameos as Force Ghosts.
But alas, it was not to be. Until now as Anakin, Luke, Yoda, and Obi-Wan appear to help our hero.
Check the video out below and tell us that that hasn’t infinitely improved on the original.
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