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WATCH: Just who are the 10 best Bond villains?

October 2nd, 2015 by Irwin Fletcher Comments


Because we’re very excited for the brand new James Bond adventure Spectre, there has been a lot of chat in the office about best Bond moments, best Bond babes and of course… the best Bond villains of all time.

Because a hero is only as good as his bad guy, and 007’s back catalogue is absolutely stuffed full of excellent villains, we had a lot of fun cutting that list down to our definitive top 10.

This video is from our good friends at Squareeyed TV and was edited by our own fearless leader, Marc.

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I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.