At the start of the month, Sony Pictures released the first trailer for their female-led Ghostbusters reboot, which will arrive in cinemas this summer. The trailer received an unprecedented amount of backlash from the global Ghostbusters fan community, amassing a gargantuan 500,000 dislikes on its official YouTube upload.
The new trailer has some new footage and if you listen closely there’s a brief audio glimpse of the Ecto-1’s siren (yes, it’s different) and there’s also a weird version of the theme which sounds like a 1990s phone tone.
In related news, Melissa McCarthy, spoke with Yahoo Movies about the backlash the trailer(s) have received, but she is adamant it doesn’t matter to her: “I don’t even talk about it. We had such a good time filming it. The movie’s really good. The four of us talk constantly, and are always sending each other dumb notes. I don’t pay attention to any of that stuff. [Ghostbusters] was a blast making, it was really fun and the movie’s going to be amazing.”
Re-imagining the classic 80s blockbuster, the modern story centers on Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig) and Abby Yates(Melissa McCarthy), who, years ago, wrote a book that posited ghosts do in fact exist, write Squareeyed.
The plot picks up with Erin acquiring a teaching position at the prestigious Columbia University, but she is laughed out of academia once word of her book surfaces. At the same time, Abby is working with a new partner, Jillian Holtzman (Kate McKinnon), just as a new slew of ghosts begin to invade New York City. Erin ends up joining forces with Abby and Jillian, along with a new partner Patty (Leslie Jones), to save the Big Apple from these ghosts.
The supporting cast includes Chris Hemsworth as the Ghostbusters’ secretary, Andy Garcia as the mayor of New York City, Michael K. Williams as Hawkins, Matt Walsh as Rourke, Pat Kiernan as a news anchor and Neil Casey as the human villain. Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Annie Potts and Ernie Hudson – the original movie’s principal cast – have all been confirmed for cameo appearances.
The official trailer had its moments, namely the ghosts on show – and this newly-released Japanese trailer features even more ghostly action, if you can excuse the awkward comedy.
Ghostbusters will be released on July 15, check out the trailer below:
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