Here we go again, another week, another exciting journey into the realm of the world of nerd. After last week’s Star Wars massive news which saw the world quake in excitement, this week… nothing. It’s all quiet. Although the Disney CEO has said there has been no decision on the big three returning to the movies.
We did have Girls aloud in Belfast, the new Pope revealed, the launch of the brand new Time Warriors podcast with yours truly and the release of the latest in the Batmobile model range.
In other areas, the Vampire Diaries ramps up a gear into what is promising to be a massive climax. What, are you not watching it? You should be; Damon is the best anti-hero on TV and Ian Somerhalder has come a long way from Lost. The Walking Dead continues quality television while Primeval is… well, Primeval. We bid farewell to Being Human and it left us with an ending that is up there with the final Blake’s 7 and Quantum Leap. It was without doubt one of the best shows on telly and the new cast managed to shake off the ghosts of George, Annie and Mitchell within one episode. We will miss them. Oh and I spoke to the devil himself, Mr Phil Davies here.
Actress Danai Gurira told us she was afraid of the Walking Dead before she joined, not that you would know from her ruthless take down of zombies in the show but we are so glad she overcame her fear to join it. Colton Haynes, formerly of Teen Wolf fame, has a new regular role in Arrow as teen rebel Roy Harper (here).
Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy denied claims he is involved with the anniversary story which makes fans think this may well be an animated or Forest Gump style story where the actors are put into past stories. Deep Space 9 proved it worked in their episode Trials and Tribble-ations but Peter Davison has said that if the older Doctors are not involved then he will organise something. Still, we have the Big Finish multi-Doctor story, Let There Be Light to Come. The trailers are out and it features a certain Jon Pertwee. I’m intrigued.
Doctor Who magazine was also released and if you haven’t read the latest comic strip, shame on you. The Doctor has been reunited with his first companions, Ian and Barbara in a story that brings them right back to their first meeting.
Speaking of Ian, William Russell and Carole Ann Ford (Ian and Susan) have roles in the new drama An Adventure in Time and Space but not as the roles they are famous for. William will play a man called Harry while Carole’s has yet to be revealed. We do know filming took place involving a recreation of the famous scene from Dalek Invasion of Earth where the pepperpots trundled over the bridge. Now I can’t wait.
A Doctor Who celebrity version of Pointless has been recorded and Sylvester as always is brandishing his famous question mark umbrella. Executive producer Caroline Skinner is leaving the show while Neil Gaiman promises to bring a new twist on the new look Cybermen.
Sherlock is coming back for a fourth series and the first pictures of Rutger Hauer have been released from true Blood.
In movie land Sylvester Stallone took to twitter to talk about Expendables 3. Steven Seagal is out but Jackie Chan may be in. Nicholas Cage not in despite the rumours but Clint Eastwood and Harrison ford have been approached as has Wesley Snipes. Tom Sizemore may be the next villain too. Did you know that Nicholas Cage turned down the role of Shrek because he didn’t want to be seen as an ogre? Bad move, Nick.
We got a new trailer for Olympus Has Fallen while Tom Cruise talked Oblivion. Seth Grahame-Smith said that the Beetlejuice sequel is coming along nicely with Tim Burton and Michael Keaton both saying they will be back if the script is good enough. Barbara Broccoli is also reportedly devastated that Sam Mendes has refused to do the next Bond but chill Barbara, everything happens for a reason. We got the first Kick Ass 2 trailer.
And that’s about it. Did I say it was quiet? Shows how much I know. See you next time…
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