UK BOX OFFICE TOP TEN: Well is looks like The Hobbit may well be under threat at this week’s top spot. Can Les Miserables take the top spot? Is the UK ready to acknowledge the singing power of Wolverine? There’s only one way to find out…
Posts Tagged ‘Texas Chainsaw 3D’

LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcasts (14/01/2013)
January 14th, 2013 by Marc CommentsIt’s Monday! Don’t you dare watch a movie this week until you listen in to The Monday Movie Show podcast…

MOVIE REVIEW: FTN reviews Texas Chainsaw 3D
January 14th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsRita checks out the sequel to the original Tobe Hooper horror masterpiece. Will it hold up?

One of the Month – January 2013
January 9th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsOne of the Month The return of the short lived column One of the Month is back! The gaming team here at FTN will bring you our picks for the upcoming game and movie releases each month in an attempt to guide you in the direction of the games and movies you should be playing/watching. […]
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