Heroes Reborn Getting 2-Hour Premiere

August 17th, 2015 by Todd Black Comments

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Heroes Reborn is getting fans all kinds of excited, as it appears to be returning to the roots that made the first season of Heroes so great.

To ensure that the mini-series (which could of course lead to a big return for the franchise) gets the traction it needs, the show will premiere with a two-hour block. This comes from the heads of NBC at the TCA’s.

This shows just how much they want Heroes Reborn to succeed, even going so far as to push The Blacklist premiere back a week to make sure Reborn gets the spotlight.

Heroes Reborn will bow on September 24 at 8pm ET on NBC.

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians (guardians-comic.com). He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!