It seems that new details are emerging about Jon Favreau’s upcoming Star Wars TV series for Disney’s soon-to-launch streaming service.
Firstly, what we know for sure.
The NY Times reported “A live-action “Star Wars” series coming to the platform from Jon Favreau, the director of films like “Iron Man” and “The Jungle Book,” is expected to cost roughly $100 million for 10 episodes. “‘Star Wars’ is a big world, and Disney’s new streaming service affords a wonderful opportunity to tell stories that stretch out over multiple chapters”.
Ten episodes costing approximately $10m each? That’s a big costing for a TV show, although it would seem to imply that Disney are big behind the series.
But, on top of this, the big rumour from Making Star Wars – who have a pretty impressive track record with Star Wars news ever since The Force Awakens – are reporting that Jango and Boba Fett’s people, the Madalorians, are to be the show’s focus.
Here’s what they have to say: “Jon Favreau’s Star Wars live action series, which is set around three years after Return of the Jedi is about the planet Mandalore. It sounds like when the Empire falls, Mandalore falls into a state of turmoil and the series is about restoring Mandalore to its former self and how Mandalore sways will have huge galactic ramifications.”
Now a few interesting things to add to this. In The Clone Wars we see a Mandalore that is a place of peace led by Satine Kryze – a past love of Obi-Wan Kenobi – but a group of Mandalorians wanted the return to the old times of a more violent Madalore, these were called Death Watch (above) and were led by a character called Pre Vizsla who was voiced by none other than… Jon Favreau.
Interestingly, it seems the show will see a new technology first for Star Wars: “The effects will be seen in monitor, thanks to technology provided by ILMxLAB, so they can save money by knowing if they got what they needed right away. I don’t believe a shot has been used in a Star Wars film using the newer tech, only pre-visual work. Perhaps the idea is to make it TV ready and then when we’re used to the look as fans and it improves exponentially they can make Star Wars films better for even cheaper than they cost today? Perhaps that is the long term goal?”
A Mandalore TV would be a great way to bring together a lot of Star Wars lore… Boba Fett could be in there, Death Watch and Satine from The Clone Wars, Sabine Wren from Star Wars Rebels. Heck, it could even time into the Darth Maul developments from Solo, or bring in Obi-Wan or perhaps tie into the final and remaining story from the end of Star Wars: Rebels.
If done right, this show could be a Star Wars lynchpin.
Here’s hoping.
Source: MakingStarWars
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