LucasFilm Animation sees layoffs, may not get to release planned season six Clone Wars material

March 25th, 2013 by Irwin Fletcher Comments

When Lucasfilm Animation announced earlier in the month that the Clone Wars was ending, the news was bittersweet to say the least. We’ve all enjoyed the animated series, but it’s had a good run. Five seasons is almost unheard of nowadays, just look at Young Justice or Green Lantern. But we were all anxious to learn what becomes of the characters in the wake of the very emotional finale. Dave Filoni let us know they had episodes completed already and also teased us with other footage, which gave fans hope of getting some closure. But now is reporting that the studio will release only 2 more arcs, neither of which will provide “clear resolutions” for fan favorites like Ahsoka or even Asajj Ventress.

So what’s the point?

The reports that as part of the Lucasfilm reorganization for Episode VII and other it’s other upcoming projects, the Clone Wars team has been disbanded. One source calls it a dramatic downsizing of the entire division and said that Disney planned to place future Star Wars TV projects in the hands of its existing television operation. So instead of a full Season Six, we’ll be seeing what’s being called “bonus content.”. That is actually what Lucasfilm referred to it in their statement. Something that will probably be added to the box set or sold separately.

Although Clone Wars has featured dozens of characters and many tales of the Star Wars universe, its overall theme has been about the relationship between Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano which was unknown until this series. For five seasons, we’ve wondered just what fate holds for Ahsoka. Will she die before the events of Revenge of the Sith? Will her fate contribute to Anakin’s fall to the Dark side? Does Vader track her down and kill her? Does something else happen? The finale made these questions all the more compelling, and renewed our interest in the renegade Sith, and one time Jedi, Asajj Ventress. Without answers about the fates of these characters, it feels like Clone Wars is, through no fault of its team, going back on the promises it has made over the years. It’s truly sad that Lucasfilm is betraying its loyal fans, especially the younger ones.

The believes and FTN agrees that we should speak up:

“Despite this dramatic and disturbing development, fans should still make their voices heard. If you want Disney to keep producing high-quality Star Wars content like The Clone Wars, let them know. While corporate decision-making is not always responsive to fans’ urging, it definitely doesn’t hurt to try. We encourage our readers to write letters to Disney CEO Bob Iger at the following address:

Bob Iger
Disney Studios
500 S Buena Vista St
Burbank, CA 91521

Let Mr. Iger know how you feel about The Clone Wars ending. Just be sure to keep your message civil and mature.

While The Clone Wars will not get a sixth season, it’s possible that fan input can sway Disney one way or the other as far as the promised “bonus content” goes. If the animation team is about to be broken up, and fans can affect what happens to those people and their work, now is the time to speak up.”

Other fans are also hoping to convince Disney and Lucasfilm to reconsider the series’ abrupt end through the website Save The Clone Wars and the hashtag #SaveTheCloneWars. Hopefully, Lucasfilm will listen and decide to give the series a complete and satisfying ending.

To paraphrase a princess: Help us, you’re our only hope.

I'm an LA journalist who really lives for his profession. I have also published work as Jane Doe in various mags and newspapers across the globe. I normally write articles that can cause trouble but now I write for FTN because Nerds are never angry, so I feel safe.