Anyone paying attention to last week’s episode of What If…? might have spotted a fun little Star Wars nod.
The eighth episode, called What If… Ultron Won?, saw an Ultron/Vision hybrid using the Infinity Stones to smash his way through alternate dimensions and realities while fighting The Watcher and during this scene, we saw many familiar MCU locations. But we also saw a few that are not MCU locations but rather are locations from the galaxy far, far away.
Yes, the two locations were the lava planet of Mustafar where Anakin Skywalker became Vader, complete with Vader’s Castle in the distance, perched next to its stone bridge and the second location was the jungle planet of Fellucia which featured prominently in the Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith both of which I’ve laid out below:
Now, obviously, this is just a little fun as to actually be trying to make Star Wars canon in the MCU would be problematic.
Well, let’s start in the episode itself when Clint Barton makes a Star Wars reference to Black Widow, saying “The Death Star plans are not in the main computer,” which is a line from A New Hope.
However, there are other issues, such as the fact that several actors appear in both franchises.
There’s also the fact the, in the MCU, Peter Parker/ Spider-man (Tom Holland) has made reference to The Empire Strikes Back and owns a Death Star Lego set.
But, I guess, when you’re dealing with a multiverse, anything is possible… but I’d take it as a fun little nod rather than getting up my hopes that we may finally see who would win between Thor and Darth Vader.
What say you all?
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