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Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker gets final trailer and theatrical poster

October 22nd, 2019 by Todd Black Comments

Two months to go until the arrival of Star Wars The Last Jedi, the end of the saga that started many decades ago, and one last trailer has come to tease all that will come.

As you’ll see, Rey, Poe, Finn, Kylo Ren and more are shown in all their glory, and major set pieces and battles are going to be a part of this.

Enjoy! The movie comes out December 20th!

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!