Now that things have finally died down over the changing of the Master to a woman – it was great, wasn’t it? – Doctor Who showrunner Stephen Moffat has decided to open up about the gender issue on Gallifrey.
Speaking to Wales Online, Moffat says: “No-one says you can’t [have a female Doctor]. It’s actually only since I took over the show that we have said it’s actually possible within the logic of the show.
“The very first lines I wrote were Matt Smith checking if he had become a girl and then I put some dialogue in The Doctor’s Wife about it and in Night of the Doctor.
“And now of course we have had the female Master, with the Doctor not reacting to that fact at all. He doesn’t seem to register the fact that his old friend is now a woman. So obviously, he doesn’t think it’s a remarkable thing to happen. We must assume that gender is quite fluid on Gallifrey.”
The current Doctor, Peter Capaldi, tells SFX Magazine: “There easily could be a female Doctor. I think the next time might be a female Doctor. I don’t see why not. I think it’s good to do that.
“I think with Missy that was just a great idea. You wanted to keep it a surprise and that was the best way to do it, but yes, it does suggest all kinds of interesting stuff. They have a total love/hate relationship anyway but they were both men for a long time, and still have that love-hate relationship, and we will see more of that probably. It’s interesting, being able to swap like that. I think it’s good.”
So, let the nerdy rage go… do you think we could – or should – see a female Doctor and do you think the introducing of Missy is a ploy to see how the audience might accept such a move? Let us know…
Source: Doctor Who TV
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