The Cast of Firefly Open to Second Season

October 12th, 2015 by Todd Black Comments

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At NYCC, the original cast of the cult-favorite Firefly took the stage and relayed that they would indeed be up for doing a full-on second season of Firefly. Though there’s no movement on such an act.

They also stated that they would want to do it together, and not have new cast/crew members.

“Full-time, please,” Fillion said.

“Otherwise they would cast new people,” Staite said.

“And nobody wants that,” Torres added to thunderous applause

Now again, this does NOT mean it’s happening…merely that they are open to it…but is that really a surprise?

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!