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TV REVIEWS: FTN Reviews Krypton Season 2 Episode 2: Ghost In The Fire

June 20th, 2019 by Todd Black Comments

While admittedly not as good as the premiere, the second episode of Krypton’s second season did a good enough job of continuing things while adding some drama to some already tense storylines.

First and foremost, we got more of a look at this series form of Lobo, and while he is a little more comedic than I’d like (yes, the Main Man is funny in his own way but there are limits), there is no doubt that this is the Lobo that comic fans will know and appreciate. Not the least of which is because they honestly did nail the look of the character. And his over-the-top is on display for all to see. But just as important, they actually gave a great reason for him to be in the show. For while Lobo did kill his entire race, Brainiac still bottled up his whole planet, and he’s not happy about that…at all.

Which of course brings us to Seg, who actually now has Brainiac in him (though how we don’t know yet) and has access to parts of his powers. As I noted last week, the trailer for the season basically spoiled that Brainiac is in Seg, but oh well. The effect of him having Brainiac’s knowledge, powers, and durability was nicely shown. As was Cameron Cuffe’s reference to Superman actor Henry Cavill with the “arm reload”.

Meanwhile, on Krypton and its moon, things are getting more heated, and more complicated. Lyta has been strong in the face of Seg’s “death”, but in an attempt to be more focused on a task, she’s losing the will to live without him. Sure enough, Zod gives her a purpose via his son Cor. You just know that Zod is going to get rid of Lyta in some capacity some day, and yet, she still has to give birth to him as he notes. So what’s going to give way first?

Which of course brings us to Nyssa, who is now a spy for Zod in the Resistance. Thankfully, Jax-Ur suspects, but clearly not enough. It’ll be interesting to see how far Nyssa goes in order to get her child back.

Finally, Jayna is still alive as we all knew, and yet, she’s clearly not all there, because the brother we thought was still alive…clearly wasn’t. And yet she found a person we all thought was dead, and yet wasn’t. Oh the marvels of a comic book TV show.

“Ghost in the Fire” was a good outing for Krypton, but hopefully the next episode expedites some matters so that we can get deeper into the overall conflict.

Todd Black is reader of comics, a watch of TV (a LOT of TV), and a writer of many different mediums. He's written teleplays, fan-fictions, and currently writes a comic book called Guardians ( He dreams of working at Nintendo, writing a SHAZAM! TV series, and working on Guardians for a very long time!