While we know that Harrison Ford is retiring, we still have one more outing to look forward to of him as the one and only Indiana Jones and now, thanks to Empire Magazine, we have our first look at the fifth outing of the iconic hero. Anti-hero?
The new issue of the magazine says that despite the movie taking place in the 60s in New York, long after WWII, Indy will once again be facing off against… nazis.
While the title of the movie hasn’t been revealed yet – the titles usually hint at the story of the movie, so this isn’t really a surprise – the story will see Jones living in the time of the space race in 1969, which is where the Nazis come in.
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“The simple fact is that the moon-landing program was run by a bunch of ex-Nazis,” says co-writer Jez Butterworth. “How ‘ex’ they are is the question. And it gets up Indy’s nose…”
Mads Mikkelsen’s villainous Voller, below, plays into the story here, paying homage to real-life ex-nazi scientist Wernher Von Braun: “He’s a man who would like to correct some of the mistakes of the past,” says Mikkelsen.
“There is something that could make the world a much better place to live in. He would love to get his hands on it. Indiana Jones wants to get his hands on it as well. And so, we have a story.”
Nazis, I hate these guys…
It sounds like the story is going to be based loosely in reality and nazis involved in the space race, in 2960s New York sounds like it could be something special, indeed.
Indiana Jones 5 is currently set for a June 30th.
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