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Spider-Man is back in the MCU

September 28th, 2019 by Geralt of Australia Comments

Marvel fans are elated today as we learn that Disney and Sony have finally come to terms with a deal to bring Spider-Man back to Marvel.

The Spider-Man deal has been going back and forth for a few months now with neither group wanting to concede ground; luckily for us, this has all come to an end with Sony agreeing to a deal which will allow Disney to keep using Spider-Man in their movies for one more standalone and one cameo, as well as allowing Tom Holland to film scenes for Venom 2.

Kevin Feige, head of Marvel is head over heels excited to have Spidey back in the MCU as he says in an interview with Variety: “I am thrilled that Spidey’s journey in the MCU will continue, and I and all of us at Marvel Studios are very excited that we get to keep working on it, Spider-Man is a powerful icon and hero whose story crosses all ages and audiences around the globe. He also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to cross cinematic universes, so as Sony continues to develop their own Spidey-verse you never know what surprises the future might hold.”

So with two Spider-verses, one with Disney and one with Sony, could we get to see some sort of cross-over with other Spidey specific characters that Sony owns such as the newly announced Madame Web (here)?

With the full details of the deal still under wraps, the rumors are that the details are the same as what they originally had, but with a little more even split on the production costs and after the two appearances another deal could be worked out.

As well as this, it seems the shared universe of Sony and the MCU we’ve been predicting all along is happeing, with Deadline stating: “as Sony progresses their own Marvel universe with titles [like] Venom 2 and Sinister Six, and Disney Marvel their own, there could be a ‘call and answer’ between the two franchises as they acknowledge details between the two in what is would loosely be described as a shared detailed universe.”

Now, if this is the case, why did Sony walk away from it originally? Unless it was all part of a bigger plan.

Now as we all know, it’s been a rather quiet year for Marvel so far, even with the releases of Endgame and Far From Home both grossing over the billion dollar mark, they were still the only two Marvel movies that are being released this year, while DC has an overwhelming slew of movies and TV specials coming out like the new Joker and the Crisis on Infinite Earths cross-over spectacular. So with all the news and publicity about DC it’s only natural that Disney would want to start making a bit of news.

Just take a step back and have a look at Far From Home, you have this one person making so much noise that people are forced to pay attention to him, everything about that movie is a distraction, whether it’s the Elementals, Night Monkey, Mysterio, and even Nick Fury himself, nothing in that movie was as it seems and I think this is giant clue as to what we should have expected.

Either way I’m extremely happy that Tom has come back to the fold, I mean it would have been rather sad if Tony sacrificed himself for nothing, I just think this whole Sony/Disney deal needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Third movie in the Marvel Spider-Man trilogy set to be released 2021, stay tuned for more details and stay nerdy.

Anyway, we’ll let star Tom Holland say it best…


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Geralt of Australia, holder of the One Ring of Sauron, mechanic to the Millennium Falcon and council to the Avengers, has been diagnosed as a nerd since falling through the wardrobe and being crowned king in Narnia. While fighting Boggarts and watching Storm Troopers miss everything, he has made his way back into this world through the portal in 221B Baker Street just to bring you all the news and reviews of the games of this world.