Ok, so remember yesterday that story broke that seemed to have Steppenwolf (above) as the main bad guy in the first Justice League movie?
Well, now Heroic Hollywood are stoking the fire with some cool details about his role in the movie and, if true, there’s going to be some fun stuff in this movie, including the presence of Darkseid: “Darkseid is a presence in the movie, and fully appears at the end of the film, but don’t expect him to do much.”
But they add that Darkseid will also be present during the beginning – possibly the opening of the movie – in a powerful scene set outside the events of the movie: “Around 30,000 years ago, the Amazonians, the Atlanteans, and Man successfully fought off Darkseid here on Earth. He left three motherboxes behind and that folks is what Steppenwolf is after in Justice League: Part One. That is pretty much your plot. You can see Steppenwolf and the three motherboxes in the deleted “Communion” scene from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (which we’ve embedded below).”
Further speculation suggests that the mother boxes were left in the possession of the earth people – one for humans, one for Atlanteans and one for the Amazons. We know that one of the mother boxes are seen in the creation of Cyborg in Batman V Superman… as for the rest? Well, we’ll have to wait and see…
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