Earlier today Marvel Studios embarked on a fun little campaign with an exciting payoff…
It all started with Tom Holland – The MCU’s Spider-man/Peter Parker – live streaming his opening of a mysterious parcel that he received from Hulk himself, Mark Ruffalo.
As the unboxing goes on, it seems Holland has accidentally revealed something he shouldn’t have: The poster for Avenger: Infinity War:
The poster, which looks like this:
Which looks pretty much the same as the poster for the first Avengers:
And the one for Avengers: Age of Ultron:
And so, with the ‘leaked poster’, we then got conformation from Marvel directly that the trailer for Avengers: Infinity War would drop tomorrow with this pretty awesome teaser:
Where and when?
Tomorrow.@Avengers: #InfinityWar.
World trailer premiere.
Only on @GMA. pic.twitter.com/ZWTEAVuVpC
— Good Morning America (@GMA) November 28, 2017
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