Posts Tagged ‘proton pack’

Sony announce that they have mastered the Proton Pack

April 1st, 2016 by Marc Comments

Anyone see a ghost?

Paul Feig clears up the Ghostbusters Proton Pack issue and is this the first ghost from the movie?

August 5th, 2015 by Marc 2 Comments

One thing we will say, Feig is pretty good on the ‘ol Twitter…

Paul Feig’s Ghostbusters do a good deed PLUS are those different Proton Packs?

August 2nd, 2015 by Marc Comments

Well, that’s our hearts adequately warmed for the night…

Ghostbusters reboot set image features the crew suited up in front of the Ecto 1

July 10th, 2015 by Marc Comments

We’ve had the boys in grey, now meet the women in… orange-brown?

Paul Feig releases ‘blueprint’ for new Ghostbusters proton pack…

July 5th, 2015 by Marc Comments

The costumers are going to love this…

FIRST LOOK: Here’s the new Proton Pack from the Ghostbusters Reboot

June 30th, 2015 by Marc Comments

Ok, so when do we get to see the trap?

MattyCollector GhostBusters Proton Gun Replica Revealed!

July 18th, 2013 by Marc Comments

PLUS exclusive images of their other upcoming collectibles from this years SDCC!