Holy mind blowing picture, Batman!
Edgar Wright, he of Baby Driver, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and other awesomeness fame, just put an image (below) of the tyre from the Batman 66 Batmobile on his Instagram and it’s blown our minds!
I mean, it COULD just be that he wanted to post an image of Batman’s wheel… but what if it’s not?
We know that Matt Reeves is currently working on the live-action Batman movie for the DC Cinematic Universe but could there be something else in the works?
Sure, we’re speculating but just think… imagine a Batman 1966 movie for the extended cinematic universe we’re hearing so much about (here) directed by Wright! Oh, my…
Or perhaps he’s working on a third animated Batman 66 movie with DC Animation? Who knows… but with all the rumours that Warners are talking to some major directors to step into their cinematic universe after Steven Spielberg signed on for the Black Hawk movie (here) we would imagine Wright is just the sort of talent they want.
What say you all?
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