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STAR WARS EPISODE VII UPDATES: Main villain, new troopers, character outfits and BIG plot details

August 16th, 2014 by Marc Comments

Phew… this last few days have been, for Star Wars fans, like the old joke about waiting all day for a bus then four show up at once… and ain’t it fine!?

Ok, first up, Latino Review have done a bit of pooling of resources and gathered all the more likely plot rumours/leaks/details and so far this is what we (might) know:

-Luke’s lightsaber and robot hand are found on a mysterious planet by Daisy Ridley and John Boyega’s characters who set out to find the rest of him.

-Han and Chewie no longer own the Millennium Falcon, it is instead owned by Oscaar Isaacs’ character for some reason.

-Luke has been held prisoner for some time by persons (creatures?) unknown. There’s still a chance the Mandalorian/Sith Witches rumours fit in here we’re guessing.

Now, for some BIG news… and please remember, everything from here on in is potentially SPOILER HEAVY!!!!




Remember this guy, the Inquistor from Star Wars Rebels, who we haven’t even seen in action yet?

Well, it seems that his ilk, the Inquistors, may be the big villains of Episode VII, if not the whole new trilogy. Remember we reported some time ago that Rebels characters will be important in EpVII (Here), well looks like there might be something to it…

According to the reports, these guys are very similar to the Inquistors of the Expanded Universe (who are probably no longer canon – scratch head now) and ” are defenders of the Sith Order and they’ve been around for a long time.”

You all may also remember a rumour from a while back that Carrie Fisher’s daughter, Billie Lourd, was cast in the movie and could possibly play a younger Leia in some sort of flashback (here)? Well, the latest rumours have it that this is true and Lourd WILL be a much younger Leia and may feature in a flashback featuring the one and only Darth Vader – and in the scene Vader will be seen commanding the Inquisitors. I love this idea that the story may weave in and out of what we think we already know… afterall, the EU had plenty of stories interweaving, let’s see that writ large in the movies.

Latino Review are also reporting that a lot of the leaks are coming from lay-offs on the movie’s set. We’re not sure there’s anything to this but we feel we must at least fuel the fire/imagination with this supposedly leaked image of  the chief Inquisitor holding Vader’s shattered helmet (presumably after Luke burned him at the end of Jedi?) courtesy of IndieRevolver.

Oh and remember the Force For Change hand seen here orignally and now below for your viewing pleasure? Well, apparently that belongs to him… Indie Revolver write: “He’s tall and thin and terrifyingly creepy, with glowing red eyes to match his red lightsaber. He’s got some robotic upgrades, like Vader – but no mask. The cybernetic bits weave in and out of him. He’s got a human upper lip, a steel jaw… and the robotic hand”:


Now, we’ve been seeing a lot of really cool images of the new look Stormtroopers over the last 24 hours or so… just in case you haven’t seen it, here’s a supposedly real, in the flesh, helmet… kinda looks cool but as if Apple designed it… iTrooper?

Again, according to Latino Review, this is probably the basic trooper in the movie – in other words we’ll probably be seeing these guys throughout the new trilogy shooting off target all over the place… although there does seem to be more view space in the new mask so who knows.

Ok, the next new Trooper image we have seen (here) is a Snowtrooper – apparently there was some confusion over this, though I’m not sure how – and they look like this:

Apparently their weapon of choice is a Flamethrower… remember these guys (below) in Clone Wars on Geonosis? Same sort of gig… loving the continuity here!

Apparently there are other troopers too – the black troopers we reported on a while back will also feature – Shadowtroopers – and there may even be a chrome trooper who has a cloaking device like the ones seen in the Force Unleashed games (below). This could be very cool if true…

Right, (we’re almost there, don’t quit on me now) so, remember the Snowtrooper above? Well, this could be related…

Cinemablend have released two images of concept art for Han Solo in the new movie and we have them below – you may notice the first image is very similar to what he wore in The Empire Strikes Back while he was on Hoth (“I’ll see you in hell!”) and this could certainly tie into the snowtroopers being a part of the story too.

The second image is apparently closer to how he’ll appear throughout the rest of the movie  and it’s a cool, if rather similar to Capt Mal from Firefly (Solo is a browncoat? Well,that figures), look and rumour is he sports two blasters this time out rather than just the one. Here’s the images and there’s more stuff below so keep scrolling…

And finally…

Our good friend Benjamin over at Star Wars Underwold, via MakingStarWars, is reporting that Daisy Ridley’s costume from Episode VII has been seen and is described as such: “The character and her costume are described as a slender brunette, “disheveled.” She wears leggings that are kind of tan/cream. Her shirt is grey and kind of longer on one side. She wears a type of blue sash from her shoulder down to her opposite hip. She has goggles around her neck. Her arms are wrapped in what was described as in “the Star Wars style.” Her hair is mid – length. Not particularly voluminous.”

He goes on to add that this may not be the final look and could change… does it tell us anything about her character? Is she a Jedi, a Solo, a Bounty Hunter? Who knows… but we are expecting much more over the next few weeks and months.

Treat all this as rumour (although we’re fairly confident at least some of it will come true) and enjoy the banter… this is what fandom is all about!

Has there ever been a better time to be a Star Wars Fan? Remember, the Force will be with you… always

Marc is a self-confessed nerd. Ever since seeing Star Wars for the first time around 1979 he’s been an unapologetic fan of the Wars and still believes, with Clone Wars and now Underworld, we are yet to see the best Star Wars. He’s a dad of two who now doesn’t have the time (or money) to collect the amount of toys, comics, movies and books he once did, much to the relief of his long-suffering wife. In the real world he’s a graphic designer. He started Following the Nerd because he was tired of searching a million sites every day for all the best news that he loves and decided to create one place where you can go to get the whole lot. Secretly he longs to be sitting in the cockpit of his YT-1300 Corellian Transport ship with his co-pilot Chewie, roaming the universe, waiting for his next big adventure, but feels just at home watching cartoons with his kids….