Well, it looks like the Sony Spider-Man movies (without Spider-man) may have found their hero to let the universe rotate around… after all we’re Getting Venom later this year (here) and there’s also several other movies being prepared based on Spider-man villains including Silver and black (here).
However, we digress… basically, because tom Holland is playing Spider-man in the MCU n a deal that means he belongs in the MCU but is still Sony’s property, Sony get to keep the rights to all his villains, but can’t put him in the movies.
Enter… Silk (top of page).
Silk is Korean-American Cindy Moon a student in Peter Parker’s class who also is bitten by a radioactive spider around the same time as Peter. She gains abilities similar to his, though she is able to shoot webs out of her fingertips, possesses an eidetic memory, and has advanced Spider-Sense (known as Silk Sense) far stronger than Peter’s. She also has less superhuman strength than him but is faster.
So, the Sony franchise may see the character stepping to of the comic pages and on to the screen.
Remember all the kerfuffle about wether or not the Sony movies would actually be part of the MCU albeit distant relatives?
First, Amy Pascal said the movies were connected (here), then Tom Holland was spotted on the set of Venom (here) and, on top of all that, actor Mac Garvan, who played Scorpion in Spider-man: Homecoming, was also likely to play him in the Silver and Black movie (here)… oh, and there’s another connection: although set in a separate universe, Sony’s animated Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse arrives this Christmas and tells the story of Miles Morales (here), but fans of Homecoming may recall that Morales’ uncle, Aaron Davis, appears, played by the one and only Donald Glover.
Aaaaand… on top of all this, you may have seen our earlier post about Tom Holland ‘leaking’ the title of Spider-man 2 (Far from Home, fact fans), but after leaking it, Holland, at the Ace Comic-Con in Seattle, was asked if there was any Spider-man villains he’d like to see in the MCU and guess what he said? Yup, you guessed it: “Maybe Venom?”. Oh, really Tom? Fancy that…
So, there are definite pointers that ‘it’s all connected’.
Why am I telling you this?
Well… Cindy Moon is already part of the MCU! In Spider-man: Homecoming actress Tiffany Espensen played Cindy, heck, she even reappears in the bus scene at the beginning of Infinity War:
So, could this be another hint that yes, these movies are all going to be connected? If it is, we love the idea that int he background of the MCU is other big adventures! Heck, the Sony movies have already set up better connectivity than the Netflix MCU shows and they haven’t even released a movie yet!
We jest. Sort of.
Anyway, a Silk movie is in the works apparently and connected or not, it looks like Sony have plans afoot for Spider-man’s universe.
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