And why China probably doesn’t care about ‘Super Power Dare Die Team’…
Posts Tagged ‘ghostbusters’

Ghostbusters II is ‘definitely happening’ says Sony and here’s what we think it might be…
July 26th, 2016 by Marc Comments
MOVIE REVIEW: FTN reviews Ghostbusters (2016)
July 11th, 2016 by Marc CommentsMOVIE REVIEW: FTN reviews Ghostbusters (2016) – This is perhaps the most controversial reboot in history but it’s finally here… but just how does it hold up?

WATCH: Meet Slimer’s girlfriend in new Ghostbusters TV Spot
July 6th, 2016 by Marc 1 CommentWell, that’s a thing…

WATCH: Mr Stay Puft is back in new Ghostbusters TV Spot PLUS new clip
July 5th, 2016 by Marc CommentsWhat a balloon!

Finally! Ivan Reitman says the hate for the new Ghostbusters movie is NOT about sexism
July 2nd, 2016 by Marc Comments“I think that many of the people who were complaining were actually lovers of the [original] movie, not haters of women.”

This July it’s not just about the Ghostbusters reboot as the Ghostheads Documentary hits Netflix
July 1st, 2016 by Marc CommentsIt’s all bout the fans, afterall…

LISTEN: Fallout Boy and Missy Elliott’s new Ghostbusters theme is here
June 23rd, 2016 by Marc CommentsWe ain’t afraid of no cover version…

Sony announces animated plans including a new Ghostbusters TV Series
June 22nd, 2016 by Marc CommentsAnd more details on the Spider-man movie, Emojii movie and more…

WATCH: Four TV Spots land for Ghostbusters and one features the return of Mr Stay Puft!
June 15th, 2016 by Marc Comments“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!”

Here’s your first good listen to Fallout Boy and Missy Elliott’s new Ghostbusters theme song
June 9th, 2016 by Marc CommentsBustin’ makes me feel good!

The new list of characters in LEGO Dimensions is just nerd-tastic! And the new trailer is great too
June 9th, 2016 by Marc CommentsDig deep guys, this is going to be a costly one…

WATCH: The best bits from the old and new Ghostbusters cast on Kimmel PLUS new poster arrives
June 9th, 2016 by Marc CommentsThe end of the world is coming… and we know who we have to call

Happy Ghostbusters Day! Check out the new international trailer, character featurettes, score cover and track listing and, em, theme song (sort of)
June 8th, 2016 by Marc CommentsIf there’s something strange, in your neighbourhood…

Old and new Ghostbusters cast set for Jimmy Kimmel PLUS who will record the iconic theme song?
June 4th, 2016 by Marc CommentsAnd listen to the Elle King’s first song from the new soundtrack

Dan Aykroyd really likes the new Ghostbusters movie PLUS Melissa McCarthy has advice for the haters…
May 30th, 2016 by Marc CommentsIf there’s something strange in your neighbourhood…

WATCH: New International Ghostbusters trailer screams in…
May 20th, 2016 by Marc CommentsNew clips in here, folks…

Our all-new podcast: NerdEyed Episode 3 – Civil War and beyond!
May 15th, 2016 by Marc CommentsWant the week’s biggest news plus our opinion on the Ghostbusters reboot as well as a recap of Game of Thrones? Then you’re in the right place.

Paul Feig calls the new Ghostbusters villain “the ultimate loner”
April 30th, 2016 by Marc CommentsThe director hints at the big bad to come… plus new details on the action and weapons in the movie

WATCH: Celebrate Administrative Professionals Day with the Ghostbusters’ new assistant, Kevin PLUS new character posters
April 26th, 2016 by Marc CommentsEm, ok then…
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