You guys aren’t the real Avengers! I can tell, Hulk gives it away
Posts Tagged ‘spider-man homecoming’
Spider-man: Homecoming’s Chinese posters are crazy wonderful
August 30th, 2017 by Marc CommentsPandas. Pandas everywhere…
Blade in the MCU? Spider-man: Homecoming director has a cool idea…
July 8th, 2017 by Marc CommentsThe vampire corner of the MCU needs to be explored!
Spider-Man No More: The Unmade Spider-Man Movies
June 30th, 2017 by Andrew McCarroll CommentsWith Spider-Man Homecoming almost here, we take a look back on two previous incarnations that didn’t make it to the big screen…
CONFIRMED: We’ve met Peter Parker in the MCU long before Civil War PLUS pretty major character confirmed back in Spider-man: Homecoming
June 26th, 2017 by Marc CommentsPLUS more villains and a new IMAX poster for the movie…
So the Sony movies AREN’T part of the MCU again? Come on! What’s going on!?
June 26th, 2017 by Marc CommentsSo they’re NOT related again? Sigh…
Six sinister new posters arrive for Spider-man: Homecoming
June 21st, 2017 by Marc CommentsThere’s an amazing amount of posters for this movie! It’s really quite spectacular…
WATCH: New clip and fun images released from Spider-man: Homecoming
June 12th, 2017 by Marc CommentsLess than a month to go…
SPOILERS: Zendaya’s character in Spider-man: Homecoming revealed…
June 10th, 2017 by Marc CommentsAnd it’s not who you think…
WATCH: The classic Spider-man theme pops up in new Spider-man: Homecoming video
May 19th, 2017 by Marc CommentsSpider-man, Spider-man, does whatever a spider can…
Spider-man: Homecoming’s villains will have BIG links to Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron
April 5th, 2017 by Marc CommentsAnd don’t expect to hear too much about Uncle Ben either…
Spidey’s suit in Spider-man: Homecoming has its own version of JARVIS
April 3rd, 2017 by Marc CommentsTony Stark, meddling in everything!
Is Petter Potts back for Spider-man: Homecoming?
March 29th, 2017 by Marc CommentsGet ready MCU, Gwyneth Paltrow may be coming back…
Is Spidey leaving the MCU? UPDATED: No, he’s staying were he is
March 29th, 2017 by Dave Bowling CommentsBecause that worked *so* well last time…
WATCH: New Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer lands
March 28th, 2017 by Dave Bowling CommentsWATCH: New Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer lands: Spider-man, Spider-man, does whatever a Spider-Pig does! It’s all happening here and Keaton is the boss…
The Biggest Comic Book Movies of 2017?
December 21st, 2016 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsThe comic book movie invasion continues next year…
New Spider-Man costume has wings
December 6th, 2016 by Marc CommentsFootage of the suit was unveiled at CCPX in Brazil
Is Spider-Man: Homecoming web-swinging by Avengers HQ?
September 17th, 2016 by Marc CommentsTom Holland teases a visit via social media.
Jon Favreau returns to the MCU for Spider-man: Homecoming PLUS Tom Holland shares awesome new image from the movie
September 4th, 2016 by Marc CommentsThis will make a few people… Happy. I’ll get my coat.
New set videos from Spider-Man: Homecoming
August 29th, 2016 by Marc CommentsWhat is that shadow in the background?
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