To show off a key character apparently is hard…
Posts Tagged ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’

James Gunn Reveals The Hardest Scene to Make From Guardians of the Galaxy
December 21st, 2014 by Todd Black Comments
FIRST LOOK: Heroes & Villains Receive a Major Upgrade in Guardians of the Galaxy & X-Men: The Black Vortex
December 21st, 2014 by Marc CommentsPresenting nine Epic Variant Covers Featuring “Cosmically Enhanced” Heroes!

LISTEN: The Monday Movie Show’s top movies of 2014 – “Everything is awesome!”
December 20th, 2014 by Marc CommentsWith 2014 about to go the way of the Dodo, the MMS guys looks at the best – and worst – movies of 2014. Is everything awesome? Listen to find out…

James Gunn on Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers crossover
December 14th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsJames Gunn raises some uncertainties on a conventional Guardians of the Galaxy/Avengers crossover

James Gunn: Nova won’t be in Guardians of the Galaxy 2 but Nebula will certainly be…
November 28th, 2014 by Marc CommentsAn Nebula has big comparative boots to fill, it seems…

LISTEN: Monday Movie Show Podcast (24/11/2014)
November 24th, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsFrom The Guardians of the Galaxy to The Hunger Games and beyond, these guys got it covered…

FIRST LOOK: Howard the Duck is back in 2015!
November 22nd, 2014 by Marc CommentsNew Ongoing Series Launching This March!

Chris Pratt has confirmed he is going to be a COWBOY NINJA VIKING
November 21st, 2014 by Irwin Fletcher CommentsChris Pratt: from Star-Lord to a Cowboy, a Ninja and a Viking…

James Gunn reveals Awesome Mix Vol 0 and you can listen here
November 21st, 2014 by Marc CommentsThe music of Guardians of the Galaxy was just plain awesome.And there’s so much more…

WATCH: Wonderful Guardians of the Galaxy Dance-off outtake
November 18th, 2014 by Marc CommentsDistracting you, turd-blossom…

Check Out This Deleted Scene From Guardians of the Galaxy, featuring John C. Reilly!
November 16th, 2014 by Todd Black CommentsNever enough Guardians of the Galaxy.

WATCH: Gamora and Nebula face-off in Guardians of the Galaxy deleted scene
November 15th, 2014 by Marc CommentsThe green lady and the blue lady are at odds much earlier than we saw in the movie it seems…

FIRST LOOK: Brian Michael Bendis & Art Adams Headline GUARDIANS TEAM-UP #1!
November 15th, 2014 by Marc CommentsWhat happens when you bring the universe’s biggest losers to earth?

James Gunn tantalises with hints about Guardians of the Galaxy 2… and beyond
November 14th, 2014 by Marc CommentsReturning faces, Celestials,Peter’s dad and Adam Warlock is the subject of the day, it seems…

Guardians of the Galaxy Ending Originally Included Grandpa Quill
November 13th, 2014 by Todd Black CommentsOriginal ending was a major downer

Want to know why we haven’t got the Dancing Groot toy already?
November 13th, 2014 by Marc CommentsIt actually makes a lot of sense… given recent events

WATCH: Age of Ultron behind-the-scenes video
November 12th, 2014 by Marc CommentsWatch this, it’ll probably not last long…

Black Widow Writer Releases Potential Script Pages
November 6th, 2014 by Andrew McCarroll CommentsBlack Widow writer presents first pages of a hypothetical screenplay

FIRST LOOK: Marvels teases Infinity Gauntlet #1
October 21st, 2014 by Marc CommentsBig things coming next summer from Marvel. And not just in the cinema…

James Gunn teases bigger team in Guardians of the Galaxy 2…
October 21st, 2014 by Marc Comments… and COULD they meet the Star Wars crew?
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